The Home Vet Bag

Home Vet Bag
SKU: HomeVetBag
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  • DEVELOPED BY A VETERINARIAN: Unlike many other pet first aid kits that basically a human first aid kit with a paw on the side, the Home Vet Bag was developed by a veterinarian for his clients and their pets with everything they need and nothing they don’t
  • THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE KIT ON THE MARKET: The Home Vet Bag not only includes standard first aid items such as bandage materials, ice pack, and wound cleaning items, but also includes items essential to pet health care such as a thermometer, pet piller, pill splitter, syptic matches for bleeding nails, and treatments like topical sting reliever, antibioitc ointment, and oral antihistamine.
  • EMERGENCY ADVICE ON THE SPOT (AND ONLINE): The Home Vet Bag includes a pet first aid manual that covers the most common pet emergencies as well as links to online videos detailing each condition covered. These resources are unique to this kit and were written and produced by our veterinarian.
  • PEACE OF MIND FOR YOU AND YOUR PET: Be prepared for both minor and major first aid situations with your pet. Having the proper supplies will save you time and money when getting your pet the care it needs.
  • DURABLE & EASY TO USE: Build to last and designed with and open layout with lots of pockets, this bag is there for you when you need and puts the supplies you need at your fingertips

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