What Happens?

  • Limping can be due to numerous causes such as ligament sprains/rupture, arthritis, paw injuries,spinal issues, and other orthopedic issues such as infectious diseases, dislocations, or fractured bones.  
  • Anytime your pet has an injury, it is important that you are careful when handling them.  Pets that are painful can bite or scratch even if they have never done this before.


What Does It Look Like?

  • Pet may walk gingerly on an affected leg or may not use it at all.
  • Pet may have a difficult time rising from laying down
  • Sometimes there is swelling or a wound 


What Do You Do?

  • Have someone help you hold your pet and use the muzzle you should have in your home vet bag
  • Check the paw to make sure there is nothing stuck in it
  • Squeeze the joints and move the leg in its normal motion to see if there is anyway to localize the pain
  • Check for wounds.  If a wound or abscess is found, use a warm compress for 5-10 minutes 2-4 times a day.
  • If no wounds are found, use a cold compress from your home vet bag for 30 minutes
  • The most important aspect of any treatment for limping is rest.  This means no running, jumping, or playing with housemates.  Confine your pet to a kennel or very small room and only take them out to be leash walked outside to go to the bathroom. 
  • If a limp persists for more than 3 days, gets worse, or is due to some sort of wound, see your veterinarian.
Do not give Ibuprofen, Aleve, or Tylenol - they can be toxic to your pet