What Happens?
- Pets overheat due to exposure to extreme temperatures
- Possible history of being left in car or playing outside during the middle of the day in summer
- Short-faced dogs (Bulldogs, Pugs, etc) are more susceptible; Cats more resistant
- Can lead to brain damage, shock, and death if not treated promptly
What Does It Look Like?
- Rectal Temperature > 105F
- Lethargic/Weak
- Excessive Panting/Salivating
- Stumbling/Falling Down
- Vomiting/Diarrhea
- Collapse
What Do You Do?
- Get the pet out of the sun/heat and inside (at least in the shade)
- Cover neck/head with cool, wet towel (without covering eyes/nose/mouth)
- Use cool water over the trunk of the body
- Spray paw pads with 70% isopropyl alcohol
- Check rectal temperature every 2-3 minutes and discontinue cooling methods when temp is <103F
- DO NOT cool too quickly. No ice or ice baths.
- Seek veterinary care ASAP - this is a true emergency